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Epic Stock Media
A Sound Effect

Horror Game
1226 Files 96kHz| 24 Bit Audio| 2hrs 40min| 5.5GB

Celebrate 50 years of the zombie with the all new Horror Game Sound Effects Library. A fresh new generation of horror and zombie inspired sound effects.

No need to barricade yourself in an old farmhouse to keep yourself safe from the swarm of zombies outside. This horror sound effects library is totally safe for use in any studio, video game or post production house. It’s a haunting cataclysm of horror sound effects featuring over 1200+ dark and devious sounds. They might just make your little brother cry (but that would be mean).

This horror-able sound pack includes all the essentials and sonic inspiration to awaken latent darkness in any post production session. Perfect for your next zombie horror masterpiece. But use with caution. ON SALE NOW!